Chalet Heidi in Summer

Bed & Breakfast or Holiday Apartment
Summer stays can start and end on any day and be of any duration from 2 nights

Chalet Heidi is perfectly situated at the foot of the Wilder Kaiser Mountains, in the pictureque village of Scheffau. We provide guests with an ideal base for their summer mountain holiday. We offer Bed and Breakfast accommodation or our Holiday Apartment, a bar and a lovely garden to relax in. Having lived in the area for many years, we can offer plenty of advice and ideas as to what adventures are available.

Activities in the area include walking, hiking, climbing (all grades), mountain biking, e-biking, swimming, paragliding, whitewater rafting, canyoning, golf, and more. In the summer, 13 mountain lifts operate to take guests up into the mountains, where miles of stunning walks can be found along with numerous mountain huts serving traditional tirolean food and drink.

Scheffau doesn't have to be "all action"; guests can choose to spend a day at one of the many swimming pools and lakes in the area. Alternatively, Kitzbuhel and Kufstein are two local towns worth a visit. Salzburg and Innsbruck are only an hour drive for those looking for a city experience or a bit of Mozart!

Summer Prices 2024

Prices below exclude local tax - currently 2.50 Euro per person (16 years and older) per night
Adult Children 5 to 16 Notes
1 Night B & B 51.50 Euro 39 Euro Generally we do not take 1 night bookings
2 Nights B & B 51.50 Euro 39 Euro
3 to 5 Nights B & B 47.50 Euro 35 Euro
6 Nights and longer B & B 45.50 Euro 33 Euro
Apartment 75 Euro per night (2 people) 8 Euro per extra person per night 50 Euro End Clean
Breakfast for Apartment Guests 10 Euro 6 Euro Available on request